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Custom Renderers

The default renderers of JSON Forms are a good fit for most scenarios, but there might be certain situations where you'd want to customize the rendered UI Schema elements. JSON Forms allows for this by registering a custom renderer that produces a different UI for a given UI Schema element.

In this section you will learn how to create and register a custom renderer for a control. We will replace the default renderer for integer values of a rating property.


While the high level concepts are the same, there are large implementation differences between the offered React, Angular and Vue renderer sets. This tutorial describes how to add custom renderers for React-based renderer sets.

By default an integer property is rendered like this:

Our goal is to replace the default renderer with a custom one which will render the UI for rating as depicted below:

Running the seed#

If you want to follow along with this tutorial, you may want to clone the seed repository which basically is just a skeleton application scaffolded by create-react-app and JSON Forms dependencies added. It showcases how to use the standalone JSON Forms component and the legacy version with a Redux store (deprecated).

cd jsonforms-react-seed
npm install
npm start

Once the dependencies are installed and the local server has been started, navigate to http://localhost:3000 in order to see the application running.

The seed is described in more detail within the file of the repo, hence we only focus on the most crucial parts of the app in the following.

Core concepts about rendering#

Before explaining how to contribute a component (which we will refer to as a "custom control") to JSON Forms, we first explain how the basic process of rendering works.

JSON Forms maintains a registry of renderers (which are regular React components in case of the React/Material renderers we use in this tutorial). When JSON Forms is instructed to render a given UI schema to produce a form, it will start with the root element of the UI Schema and try to find a renderer for this UI Schema element in its registry of renderers.

To find a matching renderer, JSON Forms relies on so-called testers. Every renderer has a tester associated with its registration, which is a function of a UI schema and a JSON schema returning a number. The returned number is the priority which expresses if and how well a renderer can actually render the given UI Schema Element (where NOT_APPLICABLE aka. -1 means "not at all").

In order to create and register a renderer, we need to perform the following steps:

  1. Create a renderer (a React component)
  2. Create a corresponding tester for the renderer
  3. Register both the renderer and the tester with the framework

The seed app already contains all of the ingredients necessary to create a custom renderer, which we'll use in the following.

1. Create a renderer#

As mentioned previously, the seed app already features a component which we want to use as a renderer. It's contained in src/Rating.tsx and is a rating control, i.e. it allows to set a value between 0 and 5 by selecting the appropriate number of stars. We won't go into detail about the control itself, but we should mention that we need to provide an onClick property in order to allow specifying a callback which gets called every time the user clicks on a star. We also need to suppy an initial value.

In order to use our React component as a JSON Forms compatible renderer, we can use the withJsonFormsControlProps utility function from JSON Forms that will give us all necessary props to render the control. This will allow us to retrieve the initial value and to emit events updating the respective value when the users clicks on a star. In this case, the props are data, which is the actual data bit to be rendered, path, a dot-separated string, which represents the path the data is written to and the handleChange handler function which we can use for the onClick prop of our Rating control. For the onClick prop we pass the handleChange handler, which we retrieve via another helper function (HOC) provided by JSON Forms called withJsonFormsControlProps. All the handler actually does is to emit a change with the new value.

The complete code of src/RatingControl.tsx looks as follows:

import * as React from 'react';
import { withJsonFormsControlProps } from '@jsonforms/react';
import { Rating } from './Rating';
interface RatingControlProps {
data: any;
handleChange(path: string, value: any): void;
path: string;
const RatingControl = ({ data, handleChange, path }: RatingControlProps) => (
onClick={(ev: any) => handleChange(path, Number(ev.value))}
export default withJsonFormsControlProps(RatingControl);

2. Create a tester#

Now that we have our renderer ready, we need to tell JSON Forms when we want to make use of it. For that purpose we create a tester that checks if the corresponding UI schema element is a control and whether it is bound to a path that ends with rating. If that is the case, we return a rank of 3. That is because the default renderer sets provide a rank with a value of 2, hence our tester will need to rank the custom control higher a bit higher, such that it will be picked up for the rating control during rendering. The ratingControlTester.js file contains the respective code as a default export.

import { rankWith, scopeEndsWith } from '@jsonforms/core';
export default rankWith(
3, //increase rank as needed

Generally speaking, the testers API is made out of different predicates and functions that allow for composition (e.g. and or or) such that it is easy to target specific parts of the UI schema and/or JSON schema.

3. Register the renderer#

To register the custom renderer we simply add it to the list of renderers passed to the JsonForms component.

// list of renderers declared outside the App component
const renderers = [
//register custom renderers
{ tester: ratingControlTester, renderer: RatingControl },
// other necessary declarations go here...

And that's it! It should be noted that in order to create a full-fledged control there's more work left, since we did not cover concepts like validation or visibility.


When writing custom renderers that themselves dispatch to JSON Forms, there are two components that can be used: ResolvedJsonFormsDispatch and JsonFormsDispatch. For performance reasons, it is almost always preferable to use the ResolvedJsonFormsDispatch component. In contrast to ResolvedJsonFormsDispatch, the JsonFormsDispatch component will additionally check and resolve external schema refs, which is almost never needed in a nested component such as a renderer.

Reusing existing controls#

There are also scenarios where you don't need a full custom renderer but just want to wrap an existing control or slightly modify its props.

Let's say you have a customized JSON Schema in which some boolean properties are associated with a price. The price shall be shown in the label of the control. Also when the price is over a certain amount an additional text shall be shown indicating that shipping is free. For this we would like to reuse the existing JSON Forms MaterialBooleanControl.

The JSON Forms React Material renderer set exposes its renderers in two ways, a "connected" variant which is used during dispatching and the pure "unwrapped" version. When you simply want to wrap an existing renderer you can use the default exported "connected" variant. When you want to access the same props as the "unwrapped" version you'll need to use that variant and then connect it yourself.

The following steps are also based on the seed repository.

1. Add the Control to uischema.json#

"type": "Control",
"scope": "#/properties/include_gift"

2. Add the field to schema.json#

"include_gift": {
"type": "boolean",
"price": 20

3. Create a renderer and tester#

The exported controls from @jsonforms/material-renderers are wrapped in Higher-Order Components (HOC) to connect them with JSON Forms' internally managed state. If we were to use those wrapped controls, we would only have the basic props available which are used for dispatching. This is useful when you don't really care about the renderer's props but would like to wrap it in additional components.

The unwrapped variants are the ones you want to use when you would like to access the same detailed props as the pure renderer. As we want to access the schema's price attribute as well as modify the calculated label, we'll use the unwrapped renderer. The unwrapped controls are all exported in an object called Unwrapped in '@jsonforms/material-renderers'. We can import that object, and then use destructuring to access a specific Control.

import { Unwrapped } from '@jsonforms/material-renderers';
const { MaterialBooleanControl } = Unwrapped;

To determine which HOC to use, we can look at the source for the respective control. Most controls use withJsonFormsControlProps, with some exceptions for more specialized controls. Having determined that, we can export our extended control using the same HOC, so that it maintains compatibility.

export default withJsonFormsControlProps(checkBoxWithPriceControl);

Since our example also uses an attribute that is not defined in the JsonSchema type, TypeScript will complain that Property 'price' does not exist on type 'JsonSchema'. This can be solved by extending the type with an additional attribute, and then casting the schema that was passed into the control into that extended type. This is a safe operation as we'll make sure that the renderer is only invoked for schemas which have the price attribute.

type JsonSchemaWithPrice = JsonSchema & { price: string };
const schema = props.schema as JsonSchemaWithPrice;

Finally, we can return the original control, with added components around it. We use the ControlProps interface, imported from core, to make sure our props have the correct types.

import { ControlProps } from '@jsonforms/core';
export const checkBoxWithPriceControl = (props: ControlProps) => {
const schema = props.schema as JsonSchemaWithPrice;
const label = `${props.label} (${schema.price})`;
return (
<Grid container>
<Grid item xs={12}>
<MaterialBooleanControl {...props} label={label} />
{schema.price > 50 && (
<Grid item xs={12}>
<Typography>Shipping is free!</Typography>

The complete code of src/CheckBoxWithPriceControl.tsx:

import {
} from '@jsonforms/core';
import { withJsonFormsControlProps } from '@jsonforms/react';
import { Unwrapped } from '@jsonforms/material-renderers';
import { Grid, Typography } from '@material-ui/core';
const { MaterialBooleanControl } = Unwrapped;
type JsonSchemaWithPrice = JsonSchema & { price: number };
export const checkBoxWithPriceControl = (props: ControlProps) => {
const schema = props.schema as JsonSchemaWithPrice;
const label = `${props.label} (${schema.price})`;
return (
<Grid container>
<Grid item xs={12}>
<MaterialBooleanControl {...props} label={label} />
{schema.price > 50 && (
<Grid item xs={12}>
<Typography>Shipping is free!</Typography>
export const checkBoxWithPriceControlTester: RankedTester = rankWith(
schemaMatches((schema) => schema.hasOwnProperty('price'))
export default withJsonFormsControlProps(checkBoxWithPriceControl);

4. Register the renderer and tester in App.tsx#

Finally, as in the examples above, we need to register our renderers and testers:

import CheckBoxWithPriceControl, {
} from './CheckBoxWithPriceControl';
const renderers = [
// register custom renderers
{ tester: ratingControlTester, renderer: RatingControl },
tester: checkBoxWithPriceControlTester,
renderer: CheckBoxWithPriceControl,