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More forms. Less code.

Complex forms in the blink of an eye

Version: v2.5.2
@next: 3.0.0-alpha.1

Declare your forms as JSON based on a JSON Schema

Fully-featured forms including data-binding, input validation, and rule-based visibility out-of-the-box

Designed for customizability - from custom styling to custom widgets

JSON Forms is a JSON Schema based approach for creating forms.
It comes with off the shelf support for React, Angular and Vue.

We're working on our next major release. Our main focus is on improving the core module and overhauling our build including our published bundles. In the end we'll have a smaller and faster JSON Forms for all bindings and renderer sets. The refactoring of JSON Forms' core dependencies is already available on the npm next stream via our latest prerelease 3.0.0-alpha.0. Additionally JSON Forms is now also compatible with Angular 12 by default. Interested? Try it today, we're always looking for feedback 😀
29th June 2021

JSON Forms Architecture

JSON Forms has a modular architecture and can be customized on every level. The core functionality is pure Javascript and therefore independent from any UI framework. We offer bindings for React, Angular and Vue. For more information see here.