It is recommended that the meta-schema is included in the root of any JSON Schema
Default json for the object represented by this schema
Holds simple JSON Schema definitions for referencing from elsewhere.
If the key is present as a property then the string of properties must also be present. If the value is a JSON Schema then it must also be valid for the object if the key is present.
Schema description
Enumerates the values that this schema can be e.g. {"type": "string", "enum": ["red", "green", "blue"]}
If true maximum must be > value, >= otherwise
If true minimum must be < value, <= otherwise
The value must be a multiple of the number (e.g. 10 is a multiple of 5)
The entity being validated must not match this schema
This is a regex string that the value must conform to
The key of this object is a regex for which properties the schema applies to
The keys that can exist on the object with the json schema that should validate their value
Title of the schema
The basic type of this schema, can be one of [string, number, object, array, boolean, null] or an array of the acceptable types
Generated using TypeDoc
This is important because it tells refs where the root of the document is located